The 50 gates are really 49 days or 7 weeks of self-elevation and self-evaluation (followed by one day of prophetic revelation), that the Israelites strived for from the time of the Exodus from Egypt until the time they received the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai.

Being worthy of receiving prophecy requires character improvement. There are 49 aspects of character that the Israelites worked on developing while they wandered in the desert of Sinai. The counting is done backward from the highest level to the lowest since prophecy is energy transferred from God to man:
1. Hesed in Hesed - study
2. Gevurah in Hesed - attentive listening
3. Tiferets in Hesed - orderly speech
4. Netzah in Hesed - understanding
5. Hod in Hesed - intuitive insight
6. Yesod in Hesed - awe
7. Malchuts in Hesed - reverence
8. Hesed in Gevurah - humility
9. Gevurah in Gevurah - joy
10. Tiferets in Gevurah – purity
11. Netzah in Gevurah - attendance on scholars
12. Hod in Gevurah - debate with colleagues
13. Yesod in Gevurah - discussion with students
14. Malchuts in Gevurah - deliberation
15. Hesed in Tiferet - knowledge of the scriptures
16. Gevurah in Tiferet - moderation in business affairs
17. Tiferets in Tiferet - moderation in worldly affairs
18. Netzah in Tiferet - moderation in pleasure
19. Hod in Tiferet - moderation in sleep
20. Yesod in Tiferet - moderation in conversation
21. Malchuts in Tiferet - moderation in frivolity
22. Hesed in Netzah - patience
23. Gevurah in Netzah - good naturedness
24. Tiferets in Netzah - trust in the sages
25. Netzah in Netzah - uncomplaining acceptance of suffering
26. Hod in Netzah - knows his place
27. Yesod in Netzah - is content with his lot in life
28. Malchuts in Netzah - limits his words
29. Hesed in Hod - does not claim credit for his achievements
30. Gevurah in Hod - is beloved
31. Tiferets in Hod - loves God
32. Netzah in Hod - loves mankind
33. Hod in Hod - loves acts of charity and kindness
34. Yesod in Hod - loves straightforwardness
35. Malchuts in Hod - loves admonition
36. Hesed in Yesod - shuns honor
37. Gevurah in Yesod - is not conceited with his learning
38. Tiferets in Yesod - does not delight in dictating decisions
39. Netzah in Yesod - shares the burden of his fellow man
40. Hod in Yesod - and judges him favorably
41. Yesod in Yesod - directs him to the truth
42. Malchuts in Yesod - and to peace
43. Hesed in Malchut - is composed in his learning
44. Gevurah in Malchut - asks pertinent questions and answers to the point
45. Tiferets in Malchut - listens and adds to his learning
46. Netzah in Malchut - studies in order to teach
47. Hod in Malchut - studies in order to practice
48. Yesod in Malchut - increases the wisdom of his teacher
49. Malchuts in Malchut - Notes accurately what he has learned
50. Shavuot - Quotes a thing in the name of the person who said it